In 1582, the London Bridge Waterworks began piping water to private homes.

In 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft and its crew of three astronauts became the first manned space mission to orbit the moon.

In 2003, one of the Queen's corgis was killed by a bull terrier belonging to Princess Anne.

25 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of December 24, 1982...

Donald Mitchell, the man from East Birkenshaw who lost his job because he refused to join a union, won £10,494 compensation from the Government.

50 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of December 24, 1957...

Party differences were forgotten last night by 70 members of Bradford City Council who attended a dinner party in the Town Hall banqueting hall, given by the Lord Mayor (Ald. David Black).