In 1909, colour-moving pictures were demonstrated at Madison Square Garden in New York.

In 1941, Hitler and Mussolini announced they were at war with America.

In 2005, a huge fire continued to burn at Buncefield oil depot in Hertfordshire.

25 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of December 11, 1982...

The fashion conscious Princess of Wales has revealed that in the cold winter months she relies on thermal underwear from Bingley's Damart factory to keep her warm. The directors for the firm are delighted with the royal plug.

50 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of December 11, 1957

Baildon Council Building Committee is to have the opportunity at its next meeting to consider its building programme after Councillor Warne asked for a scheme of essential building to be drawn up for the next two years.