In 1774, Austria became the first nation to introduce a state education system.

In 1963, Christine Keeler was jailed for eight months for perjury following the Profumo affair.

In 2005, David Cameron became leader of the Conservative Party.

25 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of December 6, 1982...

About 700 pensioners are at risk of hypothermia this winter, Bradford Social Services warned. Home helps have been instructed to check on people they visit and people have been urged to look in on elderly neighbours. Social services chiefs have also appealed for volunteers to help visit lone pensioners who are most at risk.

50 years ago

Taken from the Telegraph & Argus of December 6, 1957...

Bradford has been accused of "stealing a march" over Keighley by its offer to purchase the water responsibilities of Keighley and neighbouring councils.

Councillor Harry Hammond told a meeting of Keighley Town Council that it had been slow to react to Bradford's approach and warned: "Let's face it. No matter which way we go, Keighley will lose something."