In a recent letter to the Telegraph & Argus about plaques in and around Bradford, Derek Mozley bemoaned the fact that there wasn't one marking the birthplace of Frederick Delius in Claremont. That prompted a response to him from Mrs J Green, of Eccleshill.

She wrote: "During the 1970s I worked for National Breakdown Recovery Club whose offices were above a garage in Morley Street. As the business expanded we bought the house in Claremont next to Fox's School of Commerce and during the clean-up operations a plaque commemorating Delius's birthplace was found in the cellar. We never discovered who put it there or why. It was propped against the wall in my office for some time.

"Eventually the managing director, Mr Bob Slicer, contacted Bradford University, told them what we had found and asked if they would be interesting in having it. The music department said they would be more than pleased to have it so it was sent to them in perpetuity', so it should still be in the possession of the university."

Says Mr Mozley: "Perhaps this will lead to some digging' in the catacombs' of Bradford University."