Pudsey Pacers maintained their challenge for the West Yorkshire Winter Cross-Country League title following the penultimate fixture hosted by Stainland Lions on a typically challenging Pennine course.

Ann Francis (12th), Diane Wood (14th) and Jenny Cooper (25th) ensured fourth place for the women's team on the day, with Ann now leading the individual rankings in the V40 category.

Although third on the day to strong Stainland and Dewsbury outfits, the Pacers men remain in second place overall, with every prospect of overhauling Dewsbury in the final event at Skipton in a month's time.

Nick Hart led the way finishing eighth, followed by Charlie Johnson in 12th and Jon Prideaux, 15th. Other counters on the day were Paul Gaile, Nigel Armitage, Steve Wood and Graeme Tiffany, while strength in depth was demonstrated by season's bests from Vince Bussingham, Dave Burdon, and Mark Dixson, all with top forty finishes.