Quest Taekwondo conducted their quarterly belt grading at Cottingley Cornerstone Centre.

A total of 40 students from Quest’s clubs, based in Keighley, Bingley, Baildon and Calverley, took the test that included sparring, self-defence and technical movements.

The candidates were also privileged to follow the session by training with Master Mike McKenzie.

The black belt seventh dan master is the highest-ranking British taekwondo instructor, a black belt grading examiner and has also recently started a role organising the sport for next year’s Olympic Games in London.

Quest instructor Rick Simpson, a black belt fourth dan and student of McKenzie, stated how proud he was not only of the grading performances, but also the grit and determination the sparring players from this group have performed recently.

The club are sending a sparring team up to the Scotland Open competition in May, followed by an elite sparring team going to the British National Championships in June then to the London international sparring competition in July.