Robin and Sam Luscombe again applied the pressure on the contenders in the second round of the British Sidecar Championship at snow-blanketed Bishop’s Castle on the Shropshire-Powys border on Sunday.

The Cullingworth father and son team got their Craigs Beta outftit into a one-point lead over reigning champions Jon Tuck and Matt Sparkes in the final stages.

However, two costly failures in the final sections saw Tuck clinch victory to leave the Luscombes a point behind Isle of Man winners Rupert and Chris Kimber and Tuck in the overall standings.

* In the first round of the Spen Valley MCC Club Championship at Harden Moor, Bingley, Gomersal trials rider John Hillam again showed his winter form with another winning ride.

The class winners were Denby Dale youth starlet Jack Price, Nigel Sharp, Tom Brown and Chris Bancroft.