BINGLEY AC: In addition to normal angling outlets, 2008 yearbooks are also available from the premises of WH Kershaw at 2 Chapel Lane, Bingley, BD16 2NG (01274-569534) during normal shop opening hours. Will all committee members note that the next meeting has been rescheduled to February 12.

BRADFORD No1 AA: Cowthorpe is closed on Sunday for an Open match. Tickets are still available from Wibsey Angling Centre or Simon Foster. Night permits are still available for Kirklees and Knotford Lagoon. Carp to double figures and bream to 8lb have been reported at Knotford. Graytrix Lake and Shelf Dam should be worth a try this weekend.

LISTERHILLS AA: The next members' match is at Pilley's Dam on Sunday, February 3. Several specialist anglers have been in action recently and all catch reports are welcomed. Leeds Amalgamation books are now available for collection.

FAR VIEW LAKES: Result of Saturday's open match: 1 S Armitage 32lb 12oz; 2 C Cromie 31lb 2oz; 3 M Bradbury 24lb 4oz. The next open match is tomorrow. Anyone wanting to book on should call Mick on 07790-881323.

SALTAIRE AA: Last week's canal match was won by Dave Wells (13lb 13oz), with James Clay (7lb 11oz) second. To book on for Sunday's match, call Richard on 07815-092966.

CENTRAL AC: Subscriptions and match fees are now due for 2008. Will members who have fees to pay please contact the secretary.