KEIGHLEY AC: The next match on the river is on Sunday, January 27, with a 9am draw on the bridge at Steeton. The canal at Silsden is fishing well, with pegs above the boat yard producing good weights of roach and bream to bread and caster. Good weights of grayling and chub are being caught above Steeton Bridge. The best baits are bread and maggots.

FARVIEW LAKES: Result of open match on January 5: 1 Stef Armitage 21lb 6oz; 2 Steve Cromie 12lb 4oz; 3 Dave Bauja 11lb 15oz. Result of open match on January 12: 1 James Vickerman 27lb 8oz; 2 Steve Cromie 24lb 8oz; 3 Stef Armitage 21lb 4oz. Saltaire river match, postponed due to the swollen river, held at Farview Fishing Lakes: 1 Mick Bradbury 17lb 4oz; 2 Steve Cromie 4lb 2oz. The next open match, all welcome, is tomorrow. Anyone wanting to book on should ring M Bradbury on 07790-881323.

LISTERHILLS AA: The next members' match is at Pilley's Dam on February 3. This venue is proving a popular stand-by when the rivers are in flood. Care should be taken as the banks are slippery. Would members involved in bankside clearance ensure that debris is not left in the margins.

BRADFORD CITY AA: The match on Sunday has been cancelled due to adverse weather and dangerous banks. The next match will take place on Sunday, February 17.

CENTRAL AC: Subscriptions and match fees for 2008 are now due. Members with fees to pay should contact the secretary.