Listerhill AA

The next Listerhill AA members' trophy match is at Pilley's Dam on January 6.

Environment Agency bailiffs are paying frequent visits to this venue and several anglers have been caught without licences. This can carry a maximum fine of £2,000. Membership books are now available from all the usual outlets.

Hewenden ACThe Christmas Cheer match was won by John Foreman, who took the match and the golden peg worth £250 off peg 14.The result was: 1 J Foreman 3lb 14oz, 2 B Hall 2lb 10oz, 3 N Bower 1lb 15oz. The next pike match will be Sunday, January 6, on the far bank, draw 9am in the car park. There has been reports of pike to 21lb 4oz off peg eight with various others up to 16lb.