LISTERHILLS AA Last Sunday's trophy match at Pilley's Dam was won by B Bromfield with two bream for 3lb 15oz, 2 E Harrison 3lb 5oz, 3 A Tomkins 99lb 1/2oz. One competitor lost nine pike. The evening match was won by E Harrison with four bream and some decent roach totalling 8lb 1oz, 2 R Scholefield 3lb 6oz, which included a perch of over a pound and half. The draw for Wednesday's match is at 6pm. Recent catches have included a pike of nine and half pounds caught on light tackle by A Tomkins and a mixed catch of over 20lb by G Farrar. Would anglers note day tickets are not available for this fishery.

IDLE & THACKLEY The River Swale was 4ft up and coloured for last Sunday's open match. A single chub of 7oz caught by Alan Shearer won the match. Next Swainby Open match is on Sunday, July 15. For bookings telephone 615016. Tomorrow the club is running a stall at Wrose Gala and all members are asked to support the event.

BRADFORD NO1 AA Tickets are still available for Sunday's match at Cowthorpe from local tackle shops or by telephoning Simon Foster on 01274-571175. There have been reports of fish thefts at Royds Hall Dam. Anybody caught doing so will be dealt with severely. Rivers are fishing well when levels are good. There has been reports of big barbel from Cowthorpe.

WASHBURN VALLEY The heaviest fish caught this week was a 6lb rainbow (blue trout) by J Winterburn using Dawson's olive. Water levels overflowing at Fewston, with trout taking lures and buzzers. Swinsty pouring overflow. Lures, buzzers and nymphs catching. Thruscross also full of water but small brown trout feeding well on spider patterns and buzzers.

TYERSAL AC Thunder, lightning, rain and hailstones did not deter the carp from feeding during our match at Langwith Lakes. Results: Annyas Lake: S Hargreaves 89lb 7oz, K Priestley 75lb 8oz, C Evans 66lb 8oz. Emmas Lake: L Myers 103lb, P Cressey 75lb 8oz, R Keay 66lb 4oz. Eccleshill Angling Supplies evening league match at Non-Go-Bye: R Keay 31lb (peg ten), including a carp hooked after time! D Aveyard 30lb 4oz (peg 16), S Gowers (peg 18), S Hargreaves (peg 24) 29lb 8oz. Next match is at Kiverton, meet 9am.

UNITY AC The result of Tuesday's evening match: 1 R Malone 9lb 8oz, 2 D Connoll 8lb 8oz, 3 S Brown 7lb 12oz. Would all members please not leave litter and ensure they are in possession of a landing net and a disgorger. Anybody caught without will be expelled from the club.

GRATTAN AC Results of session match, Maple Lake: 1 R Wood 66lb 5oz, 2 R Lee 64lb 6oz, 3 M Brook 49lb, 4 A Haley 32lb 11oz.