The Bradford Table Tennis League have been saddened with the news that Eric Hill - one of their most respected figures - has passed away at the age of 80.

Eric spent over 40 years serving table tennis in a variety of ways. At club level he played for Clayton Heights and in 1965 he became the club secretary and for 40 years was the driving force behind the development of the club.

In 1970 Eric joined the management committee as an elected member, he became vice-chairman in 1985 and in 1997 he was elected president.

Not content with this workload, Eric also represented the Association as a national councillor and was also on the Yorkshire Committee doing sterling work on the County Championships as a selector and organiser.

Eric was also a great family man, bringing up his six children. His two sons Adrian and Greg were both leading players at town and county level.

In 2002 Eric had to relinquish his many duties to care for his wife and to consider his own health and the Bradford table tennis scene will not seem the same without him.