Bradford-based Physical Impact Kickboxing Club are proving a big hit.

The club, whose headquarters are at 185 Harris Street (opposite the waste depot), have five British medallists, including two national champions, among their 150 members.

Robbie Kennedy, 25, won the light heavyweight continuous section in the WKC British Open in June in Manchester, while 11-year-old clubmate Imahl Williamson triumphed in the -40kg points category.

There were also silvers for 17-year-old Kamran Hussain in the points and continuous -70kg categories and bronzes for Harris Qurban, 14, in the points and continuous sections of the -50kg section.

Imahl’s mother Carol, who is club secretary, was the fifth Physical Impact member to take home a medal, lifting bronze in the women’s points category.

Carol, Kamran and Imahl also won golds at the King’s Battleground event in Nottingham in May, while the club have also notched successes in the G Force Series, which were held in March, June and September, where 16-year-old Adam Qurban joined the club’s medallists.

Head trainer Shabs Qurban and Mibsy Qurban are 3rd Dan and 1st Dan black belts, and were also Yorkshire, British and European champions. Other volunteers training the members are Kevin Giscombe and Jess Midgely.

Club sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays (7.30pm-9pm) and Saturdays (11am-3.30pm). On Saturdays, there are separate sessions for girls (noon-1pm) and women (2.30pm-3.30pm), both of which are growth areas for the club.

Physical Impact Kickboxing Club have received money from Sported (£2,000) and Bradford Council’s Community Chest (£250).

Further information on the club is available on 07454-710108.