CARLISLE will be backed by around 2,000 fans at Valley Parade tomorrow.

And the large away following will see a team ready to “get at” the Bantams.

That’s the promise from the three coaches in caretaker charge following Paul Simpson’s departure.

Steven Rudd, Mark Birch and former City midfielder Jamie Devitt are sharing the hot-seat role until a new man in appointed.

And Rudd insists Carlisle, who have lost three out of four so far, will have a proper go.

He said: “We’re going there to cause them problems on their ground.

“It’s a big club, there'll be a big crowd, it'll be a good atmosphere and they have got good players.

“We know as much as we can about them. We're organised in terms of what their threats and strengths are.

“Our aim is to nullify them and stop that becoming an issue or prevent it. But then we've also got areas where we think we can really get at them and cause them problems, which is what we want to do more of in the game.

Jamie Devitt had two spells with the Bantams as a playerJamie Devitt had two spells with the Bantams as a player (Image: Thomas Gadd)

"We’ve got players to go there and win, and that's what we'll be aiming to do.

“We're going there to upset them, and we're going there to win the game, for our supporters and the club and get some positivity going that can then start to build.”

The trio took charge for the first time in midweek when Carlisle lost to a late goal against Nottingham Forest under-21s despite creating a host of chances.

“They performed really well, they executed the game plan, they've done themselves no harm at all,” Rudd told our sister paper, the Carlisle News & Star.

“We go to Bradford looking for that same level of performance, if not better, and then the result to back it up as well.

“This game probably does have a different feel, but our message is that we'll remain consistent. We're not changing things, we'll adapt things, we'll edit things, we'll manage the game.

“Bradford are a good side with good players, there'll be spells in the game where they're on top, but we want our spells to be longer and better than theirs.”