CHEAP penalties and little errors cost Bulls in yesterday's 14-2 Betfred Championship defeat to leaders Wakefield yesterday, but the bigger disciplinary issues mounting up are taking their toll on an already paper-thin squad.

Injuries have ravaged Bradford from the start of the season, but now suspensions are hurting them too.

Eribe Doro, only just back from a ban, picked up his second yellow card in two games yesterday, and could face another spell on the sidelines.

The power of Franklin Pele was missed in this bruising game against Trinity, as he was banned for a poor tackle at Dewsbury that saw him sin-binned early in the second half of that match.

And yesterday was the final game of the month for both Ebon Scurr and Jorge Taufua, who are set to be suspended for two and three games respectively for offences in the draw with Toulouse.

Ebon Scurr is due to miss the upcoming games against York and Widnes, but will he get a reprieve?Ebon Scurr is due to miss the upcoming games against York and Widnes, but will he get a reprieve? (Image: Tom Pearson.)

But Bradford will potentially appeal Scurr's ban, and head coach Eamon O'Carroll told the T&A yesterday: "Jorge's was a sin-bin at Toulouse, so I can accept that, but Eribe's, for me, it wasn't.

"The more I look at it, the more I don't see how it was a yellow card, and with the one he got here this afternoon, we'll have to review that.

"There's a fine balance, because we'll always look at ourselves first, but I can't sit down with a lad and tell him he can't be doing something if I don't think it's a sin-bin myself.

"There's a responsibility from us as a club to make sure we're doing the right thing, but we have to put our trust in the system and the officials too.

"I understand it's a tough job for them, I wouldn't like to do it, but I just think it's about balance.

"I've challenged the team to be physical and have line speed and with that, there has to be margin for error.

"There are times I think we've been harshly done by, but sometimes I can accept it.

"When I can accept the reason why we're in the bin and why we're giving penalties away, we can work on those ones."

O'Carroll felt Pele's yellow and ban was unlucky, and asked how much they felt his absence against Wakefield, O'Carroll said: "You're clearly going to miss someone with Franklin's capabilities.

"But I thought the lads really stepped up in terms of replacing his physicality.

"He'll be great to have back next time out though and he's looking good.

"He's lost some weight, he's worked extremely hard and I'm really proud of his approach and attitude towards his work since he's come here."

O'Carroll expects everyone who played against Wakefield yesterday to be fit to face York this coming Sunday, with Jayden Myers likely to be back in the side to replace Taufua, and Chester Butler in line to return after a month out injured.