CITY have been warned that the numbers don’t lie as they step up the pre-season slog.

The squad returned to Apperley Bridge yesterday in three separate groups for testing.

Graham Alexander and his coaching staff are ready to step things up today as the players get down to business following the summer break.

Alexander has promised an intensive build-up to knock everyone into the best physical shape for the League Two curtain-raiser on August 10.

And the City boss insists the data-driven results will make sure there can be no slacking.

“Everyone can argue and have an opinion,” he said. “But when there’s data right in front of you and then footage to back it up, it’s quite an isolating place.

Richie Smallwood ready for his third City pre-seasonRichie Smallwood ready for his third City pre-season (Image: Thomas Gadd)

“But it’s all done for the betterment of the player. It’s not to make anyone feel bad but just to make sure we know exactly the levels you need to be at to prepare for a 50-game season.

“This is the best and probably the only opportunity we get to be ready for that.

“We’ll push the players and I think they’ll want to be pushed. I think the players will push each other, which is a great position to be in.

“We’ve got a group who are really determined and they will push themselves and each other as well. It can’t just be from the coaching staff.”

City enjoyed a 58-day break between the final game of last season against Newport and returning to Woodhouse Grove. But the players were given individual programmes to keep up to speed during their time off.

Alexander added: “It’s been quite a while now and I’m itching to get back in with them working again.

“It’s all or nothing. You see them every day throughout the season and then everyone is off.

“But I’ve kept in contact with a few players over the summer.

“We gave them an off-season programme and we can collect data from that as well.



“It wasn’t every day because we wanted to give them a mental break as well. But we have kept an eye on their progress.

“I spoke to a couple of them, sometimes with a pat on the back or occasionally a kick up the backside that they needed to up it a little bit next week.

“But we tried to keep a distance so that when we came back in, we’re as fresh as can be mentally to commit every day to making ourselves the best team we can.

“I can’t talk for every individual but I was really excited about getting back in and seeing the boys and the other staff again.

“We really want to do something good this year and it’s a great group to work with.”