COLIN Doyle will again have the role of on-field coach as City target Wembley tonight.

The veteran keeper makes his sixth appearance of the season in the Bristol Street Motors Trophy semi-final clash with Wycombe at Valley Parade.

Graham Alexander has no concerns with the 38-year-old keeper coach – and sees Doyle as his voice in the heat of the battle.

“I feel like as he’s part of the coaching staff that we have got a coach on the pitch,” said Alexander.

“Doyler knows exactly what we want from these guys in set-pieces and defending the box and he’s our voice on there for us with that group of players.

READ MORE: Doyle 'never imagined chance of Wembley return in million years'

“I think he’d do it naturally as a senior player, but certainly he knows exactly what we are talking about when we are in the staff room analysing games.

“That’s an added bonus for me as manager as we basically have a coach on the pitch, helping the rest of the players.”

Doyle has missed only one game in the competition when he was suspended and Alexander insists he keeps up to speed because of the intensity of training.

“It would be different if you were playing outfield and coming in for one game every six weeks as a central midfielder or striker. It would be a little bit more difficult.

“But he trains every day and goalkeepers probably train harder than they play as the game comes to them sporadically over 90 minutes.

“In training, they are making saves all the time and practising. Their training is really tough and he will have done all of that.”

With Sam Walker cup-tied, Doyle’s place in the Trophy side is guaranteed – his name will be the first on the Wembley team sheet if City do get through.

Alexander played until he was 40 and can see the same determination to enjoy every minute with the veteran keeper.

The City boss added: “He knows he will have the opportunity to play in these games.

“Even before we sold Harry (Lewis), I frequently told him I will change the team.

“We had a bit of banter after the last league game about when he is sitting in our office and kicking him out and saying ‘no, you are a player this week’.

“When I got to that age, every game was a bonus. You are really trying to stretch out your career and take everything in at this stage and not take anything for granted.

“It puts you in a really good place mentally if you look at it that way.

“I see the same in Doyler, when he is getting prepped up for these games and to be fair, his performances in this competition have been fantastic.

“He’s made some really important saves for us at times and we’ve won some really good games and results.

“When he’s been needed, he’s been there for us and it’s not been a token effort. He’s a competitive and good goalkeeper.”

Should it finish level after 90 minutes, Doyle will be in the spotlight as the game goes straight to penalties.