GRAHAM Alexander can hear the difference a couple of wins make.

City’s fortunes have suddenly lifted after successive victories to end their recent barren streak.

Back-to-back wins over top-seven opponents Wrexham and MK Dons has lightened the mood on and off the pitch at Valley Parade.

Boss Alexander has certainly noticed the spring in the step at the training ground.

“You can feel it,” he said. “You can hear it.

“My office is 10 yards away from the canteen, so when I’m working away I can hear the laughing, the joking, the banter and all that.

“Everyone walks past the office when they come in so I can hear the upbeat nature.

“That’s good but it’s not been like ‘zombie land’ in the last couple of weeks either. The lads are quite good at getting around each other and being positive.

“But you always notice a little step-up and everyone smiling and rightly so.

“If you’re not going to enjoy football and your life when you’ve had really good results, as we have had the last two games, then you’re in the wrong game.”

Tuesday’s win was City’s first at home in the league since November and Alexander revealed there have been a few minor tweaks in how they prepare to play at Valley Parade – although he isn’t saying what they are.

“We’re trying to change a couple of things in our approach to home games.

“We had a lot of draws and so I said, ‘okay, what’s enabling these draws?’ What can we do?

“We’ve tried to tweak a couple of things to see if that works.

“Let’s see how the next three, four, five games go to see if that bears fruit.

“I want to see a consistency. If we get numerous wins at home, then we can say it might have worked.

“I don’t think there’s enough evidence with a one-off game. But I do think the little bits and pieces we’ve tried to do have helped.”