BRADFORD Bulls have announced that Lee Greenwood has signed a new contract to remain at the club as Eamon O’Carroll’s assistant coach for 2024.

Greenwood joined the club prior to the start of 2023, initially as assistant to Mark Dunning, before stepping up to take the interim head coach position alongside football consultant Brian Noble. 

The duo led the Bulls to a third-place finish – the club’s highest position in eight years – before being edged out in the Betfred Championship play-off semi-finals against full-time French outfit Toulouse Olympique.

Greenwood said: “I am pleased to be staying.

“I said from day one I did not want to go, given what Brian and I have done over the last few months and being able to keep a lot of that squad together.

“We want to be a part of getting this club back to where we think we belong and we will work as hard as we can with Eamon and work together to put ourselves in the best position possible. 

“We said after the game in Toulouse that it needed to be the starting point for this group now, we can’t go backwards.

“While we were disappointed (to fall short), we got ourselves into a decent position, so that is where we need to start from and with a full pre-season, we should be better for it. 

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Toulouse proved to be the end of the road for Bradford in 2023, but they can build on this year's impressive effort.Toulouse proved to be the end of the road for Bradford in 2023, but they can build on this year's impressive effort. (Image: Tom Pearson.)

“I have really enjoyed the year.  I have picked plenty up from Brian and although I initially came in to be assistant coach, I did enjoy that position, and when asked to step up as head coach I enjoyed that too.

“I am looking forward to going back when pre-season returns.” 

Incoming head coach O’Carroll said: “I’m delighted Lee has agreed to stay with us.

“I’ve spoken with Lee on a weekly basis since I came on board and he’s been a huge help for me.

“It’s clear he is really invested and cares about this club and this group. 

“Not only that, he’s done a fantastic job with the team, who are in a great place because of the work both he and Brian have done during the year.

“I’m fully aware that I come into a group that’s really well connected and well drilled and Lee has been a big part of that. 

“I look forward to working with Lee and helping this group achieve its goals next year.”