Mick Potter was left counting the cost of more injury woe last night as the Bulls were thumped 54-0 at St Helens.

The day began badly for the Bulls coach after full back Brett Kearney was ruled out due to a hamstring injury.

And it got far worse as Potter’s men shipped ten tries at a rain-soaked Langtree Park to fall to a heavy defeat during which they also lost Ian Sibbit to a suspected broken arm.

The Bulls now have a dozen players on the sidelines and Potter cursed his luck after Kearney and Sibbit became the latest additions to the club’s crippling injury list.

“Brett had a fitness test in the morning and he just couldn’t make the short turnaround from Monday’s game,” said the Bradford coach.

“It was a little bit disruptive but solvable. I thought Shaun Ainscough equipped himself the best he could under the circumstances.

“Ian Sibbit, I think, broke his arm and it just goes from bad to worse.”

Despite playing just four days after the win over Castleford, Potter admitted his men badly underperformed on their first-ever trip to Langtree Park.

“I thought St Helens were outstanding and we weren’t able to withstand the pressure or combat it with pressure of our own,” he said.

“You give St Helens field position and they will score points. The guys are very disappointed in the dressing room.

“St Helens executed their plays very well and they deserved their victory and the result that they got.

“They defended their try-line very well but our players know they didn’t perform and they know they need to do a lot better.

“Make no bones about it, it will be a tough week on the training ground ahead of the Wakefield game.”

Potter added that there was no definitive news from the club’s new board of directors as to the next move in the off-field financial saga.