Delighted Peter Hood today welcomed in the new year truly believing it could be one of the most important in the Bulls’ history.

The Bradford chairman admitted hopes for 2009 and beyond were rocketed by recent news surrounding the proposed Odsal Sporting Village.

A wide range of partners – led by Bradford Council but including Yorkshire Forward, Sport England, Bradford and Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust, Bradford College and The University of Bradford – all publicly showed their commitment in delivering the massive project.

After years of battling desperately to get such a development up and running, Hood conceded heading into the new year with such firm backing has proved a real fillip for the Bulls and their aspirations.

Hood said: “We’re looking ahead with great enthusiasm and expectation to the new season. There are genuinely so many reasons to do so.

“In terms of the playing side, we have a very strong squad with considerably more depth and pace.

“Ally that with some of the young talent that has already emerged like Sam Burgess and others that are about to come through, as well as the Morrisons and Menzies of this world, and there is real potential on the field.

“I know there is an appetite for success in the dressing room but put that alongside the vision of a new stadium, one that is fit for purpose in the 21st century, and you begin to feel a real sense of optimism for the Bradford Bulls.

“Indeed, there are so many pointers towards this being one of the most significant years ever for the club.”

The stadium news has given Hood reason for much cheer after so many false starts and he expects fans to be able to finally see actual plans emerge in the 12 months ahead.

“Hopefully, people reading about it in the T&A just before Christmas can see the difference between this approach and previous failed approaches,” said Hood.

“The previous ones have all been about the interests of a minority but for the first time now so many different groups have come together initially for the well-being of all society through education, health, leisure and sport.

“Everyone is now showing real willing to explore every avenue to do everything possible to make sure this vision becomes a reality.

“What we have now is the 100 per cent commitment of those involved in driving this scheme forward and bringing it together. That is a huge step forward from where we’ve been in the past.”

Hood added that the redevelopment will play a major part in the club’s application for a new Super League licence in 2012 but work must start imminently.

“We will probably be reapplying in 2010 – I don’t think it will be left until 2011 – so we’re effectively talking now about next year,” he said.

“When it comes to the stadium plans and make-up, I will simply say absolutely nothing is ruled in and absolutely nothing is ruled out.

“Making assumptions would be dangerous but we are now part of a consultancy and it’s up to the designers to find out the best way for it to happen.

“Who’s to say the pitch may stay where it is at Odsal? There might be a hotel at the Rooley Lane end of the ground and for commercial reasons it may be decided that the pitch should be turned 90 degrees.

“These are the things which will be discussed and whether it should be all-seater or part-seated.

“But at some point as the year goes on, answers will be given to some of these questions in relation to the stadium development.

“It will be decision time and supporters will finally be able to see how things are going after all this planning work. It is a very exciting time.”

Hood also said that building work could potentially begin as early as the end of the 2009 season if plans go to schedule, with the Bulls temporarily relocating for next year.