There are mounting fears that Karl Pryce's career is in the balance due to a long-running injury.

The former Bulls centre has joined Wigan after his ill-fated spell with Gloucester RU but is battling a foot problem suffered nearly 12 months ago.

Pryce, 21, injured himself playing against Northampton last March and is still incapacitated despite having signed a two-year deal with the Warriors.

He joined six weeks ago but Wigan have yet to pay the £30,000 fee they agreed with Bradford and must do so before registering him with the RFL.

Pryce said he would like to return against the Bulls on March 1 but it is understood he may have to rest completely for SIX months before attempting any sort of comeback.

Warriors boss Brian Noble said: "He's being assessed week by week but we're hopeful he will be able to play at some stage."