Wing hopeful Dave Halley knows 80 minutes at Keighley could shape his entire season as a Bulls player.

For most, the friendly against National League Two part-timers Cougars doesn't offer too much excitement and is just a chance to prep for Super League XIII.

But tomorrow's clash has suddenly taken on huge significance for rookie Halley following an injury to team-mate Semi Tadulala.

The crocked Fijian is out for six weeks, meaning a wing spot is unexpectedly up for grabs when Bradford kick off for real at Wakefield in a fortnight.

Halley has made just two starts after debuting last season but following the winter departures of Nathan McAvoy and Marcus St Hilaire is now the club's only other specialist winger alongside Tame Tupou.

He knows he is now in the frame for an extended run in the side but admitted: "I've got to play well tomorrow.

"I'd love to play in that first Super League match of the season but Keighley comes first and so, for me, it is all about tomorrow.

"It's a really important match if I'm to prove to Steve (McNamara) I'm worth a place at Wakefield.

"The next match after this is the Super League opener so it's the last chance to impress and I know I have to perform."

The jet-heeled 21-year-old showed enough promise in his handful of appearances last season to win a new deal at Grattan Stadium.

He finished with three tries in nine games, demonstrating genuine finishing potential and earned a call-up for Wales.

However, following the capture of former Wakefield winger Tadulala, Halley was expecting to have to bide his time further in 2008.

"If I'm honest, I didn't really think I'd stand a chance as Semi is such a good player and Tame is great too," Halley said.

"I thought if I did get a shot it'd be much further down the line but hopefully I'll get one now.

"It's a great chance for me but there's others who can play wing too - Paul Sykes can go there while Jason Crookes is coming through - so I've got to keep them out and take my opportunity. I'm relishing the chance to do that."

Ever-present Halley has looked razor-sharp in pre-season and admitted: "I've enjoyed every game, even the one against Wigan.

"It's always a good buzz to be playing around people like Deacs and Sol but I enjoyed it at Dewsbury and Wakefield as well.

"It's all good experience and I feel in good shape."

Ironically, the Bradford-born player is likely to start at full back tomorrow with Michael Platt nursing an injury.

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