As Paul Deacon gears up for his testimonial match, T&A Bulls reporter DAVE CRAVEN spoke to some of his former team-mates to get their memories of the record-breaking Bradford scrum half over the last decade.

Loose forward Mike Forshaw featured in the same Bradford side as Deacon for six of those years, including the treble-winning vintage of 2003.

Now retired, he is part of the Wigan coaching staff that comes to Odsal on Sunday.

"I always said to Deacs he was the one man who took the No 7 shirt off Shaun Edwards!

"I remember when he first came through then, really taking his opportunity when Edwards left prematurely and proving a very intelligent professional.

"Deacs knew how to get a team around the field and he still does now.

"Something that doesn't always get mentioned though is his toughness. Deacs has had some really bad facial injuries - you can probably tell when he speaks! - but he's always got up and got on with it.

"I think he's been great for Bradford. He's probably never got superstar status like some but the biggest accolade you can pay him is that he's one of those players that always leaves you happy when you knows he's in your team."

Forshaw recalls in particular the 2003 Challenge Cup final against Leeds at the Millennium Stadium.

"It's right on the stroke of half-time and he sets a try up for Les (Vainikolo).

"When you watch the video, just look as Deacs puts the kick through.

"He keeps watching Les going for it - and falls over the hoardings on the side of the pitch!

"I'm still waiting for it to come up on Question of Sport's What Happens Next!

"He just stumbles into it, falls and does about three somersaults.

"That does stick in my mind! Having said that, he gets up and kicks the goal from off the touchline."

Kiwi stand-off Henry Paul was another star of that 2003 side. He praised Deacon's fantastic kicking game.

"I remember it saving us a few times when I was at Bradford.

"People may think he hasn't got superstar status but he certainly was a superstar among the boys and he never let us down.

"I genuinely can't remember a moment where Deacs put a foot wrong in the time I was at Bradford, he was that consistent.

"He knocked Robbie out of the team and that's no mean feat bearing in mind Robbie was a big international.

"Deacs was too by then and he probably deserved more caps. Sean Long is a great player in a great team but Deacs should have played more Tests with Great Britain.

"He's an awesome bloke and never piped up about himself. He just lets his rugby do the talking.

"He was great to play alongside and it's great he's getting this testimonial."

Leon Pryce has a different take.

"He's a tight little ******!" laughs the St Helens ace, who was a long-time Bradford and Great Britain team-mate.

"Deacs doesn't like spending his money and never has. He's got a new arrival in the house now though so we'll see if that changes.

"No, he really deserves his testimonial and has done amazing for Bradford over the years.

"He had to work hard and had Robbie and Henry to contend with as half-backs when they were really in their prime.

"But Deacs stuck with it and in the end he's made that spot his own, which says a lot. He's never looked back and has basically been leading the team for years."

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