Super League opponents could soon be seeing TREBLE after Sam Burgess's twin brothers both joined the Great Britain ace at Grattan Stadium.

Bulging young forwards Tom and George have penned three-year deals with the Bulls, where they soon hope to wreak havoc alongside their star sibling.

The twins, who turn 16 in April and are both props like Sam, have been on Leeds' scholarship but are the latest juniors to turn down Rhinos in favour of Odsal.

Sam said: "I'm over the moon they've signed for Bradford and proud as punch for them both. They've been given an opportunity and now it's down to them.

"From what I've seem I'm pretty sure they've got the right dedication to do that and hopefully they'll join me in the Bulls first team one day. That would be the ultimate goal - to all play together at Bradford."

Super League's Young Player of the Year added: "I know it was a tough decision for them to leave Leeds and they had a lot of thinking to do.

"I'd have respected whatever they chose but deep down I was rooting for them to come here, so I'm delighted they have."

Sam Burgess, 19, shot through the Bulls Academy ranks to quickly mature into a Super League and international star, so the twins have big steps to follow.

But head coach Steve McNamara reckons the Dewsbury Moor duo, who already tip the scales at 16 stone - bigger than Sam at the same age - have the capacity to make their own mark.

McNamara said: "They are two huge boys with great potential. I think of all the young players we're signing this year, these two have the biggest areas of improvement left in them. They are big, raw-boned lads and it's pretty scary to think what they could turn in to.

"Tom and George come from a good blood line with two Super League brothers already, a dad who played professionally and mum who also played internationally.

"They have come from Leeds and there's a big family link with both clubs but they've seen the development of their brother at Bulls and decided to join us.

"We're hugely delighted to get our hands on them and maybe soon we will see three Burgess boys in one Bradford team. That would be fantastic for them and their family but there's a lot of hard work to do first."

Eldest sibling Luke is a Super League front-rower at Rhinos, while their father Mark propped for Hunslet and Dewsbury before his tragic early death last year.

George said: "I've seen how Bradford have treated and developed Sam. That made me fond of the place.

"I've always liked the club and when he used to go off training I'd wish I could go too, while Steve and Bradford really supported him when my dad was poorly.

"It's a big plus being here together. I've always dreamed of playing in the same team as my brothers and hopefully that might eventually happen in Super League."

Tom added: "I'm really excited and can't wait to get started here. I've been training at Leeds and it was a hard decision leaving them but I think I'll get more opportunities at Bradford.

"Sam has obviously been a really big inspiration. He's helped me and my aim now is to try and do what he's done - but I know I have to work hard."

The youngsters link up with the Bulls next month and will debut for the under-16s in May but will also see some under-18s action by the end of the summer.

In joining Bradford, they follow hot on the heels of England under-15s international James Donaldson and former Leeds Scholarship players Andrew and Michael Tate.

McNamara is set to announce further captures next week as the junior recruitment drive continues.

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