Steve McNamara has hailed the Bulls' warm-weather training camp a "big success".

The squad return from Lanzarote on Thursday having spent the last week over there working on fitness and skills.

With rain-lashed Britain under water, McNamara admits being able to get away to the sun for their annual trip has proved more vital than ever.

The majority of his stars get their first pre-season run-out against Wigan on Sunday but wouldn't have managed much quality game preparation if they had stayed at home. McNamara said: "Conditions here have been outstanding and we've managed some excellent practice.

"The boys have conducted themselves well, approached everything great and been really receptive.

"They've been a pleasure to coach and work with.

"It would have been really tough doing all the stuff we have back home though.

"We will find it really tough when we return too - there's no two ways about that and it will be a totally different type of pitch to what we've been used to out here.

"It will restrict how we can play come Sunday but we're obviously not just practicing over here for Wigan; it's work for the whole season ahead."

McNamara added: "It has been really worthwhile.

"We've had the opportunity not just to show the players video clips and stuff on white boards but to actually get out there and really practice ideas on the field.

"That's how and where most people learn the most so it's been good.

"The players have taken everything on board and really got stuck into stuff.

"Now we're looking forward to that run-out and Deacs' testimonial."

Former Olympic athlete Jamie Baulch has worked with the Bulls on their sprint training for a third successive year.

McNamara said: "Jamie's been outstanding for us.

"His whole character, personality and knowledge of what we are looking for has been first class. The players have a lot of respect for him and he works very well with us."

Meanwhile, Under-18s hooker Keale Carlile, who featured in both friendlies so far at Dewsbury and Wakefield, has shown up well after McNamara decided to reward him with a place on the trip.

"Keale is holding his own superbly," he said.

"For a young man, both in terms of how he has conducted himself and the quality and skill he has shown, he has been great."

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