Gifted brothers Andrew and Michael Tate are dreaming of making it big together at the Bulls.

The back-row pair are the latest talented juniors to join Bradford as the club step up their bid to secure the stars of the future.

Each has come through the Leeds scholarship scheme but snubbed the Rhinos' offers of professional contracts to make the switch to Odsal.

Andrew, 16, is ten months older than Michael, 15, and has starred for England Schoolboys.

Bulls boss Steve McNamara is delighted to have captured the Morley-based duo, who play their junior football at Hunslet Warriors.

"It's great news that we've managed to sign both these players," said McNamara.

"Andrew has been the star performer in terms of selection for national squads and grabbing the headlines.

"He's a superb player and has all the attributes. He's already six foot three and has been likened to Jamie Peacock by people at Leeds and ourselves.

"It's hard to throw a label at someone like that but he is an outstanding individual.

"He's a smart kid but has that ability to be aggressive on the pitch and we have high hopes for him."

The elder sibling, understood to have turned down one of the biggest offers ever made to a junior at Headingley, is set to be fast-tracked into the Bulls' full-time training regime later this summer.

McNamara said: "Michael has had to live slightly in the shadow of his older brother.

"He's six foot one-and-a-half and is nearly a full year behind in terms of physical development but that hasn't prevented him performing.

"He's a strong young boy and if ever a player is determined to succeed and do whatever is required to be the best he can, then it is Michael. They are great acquisitions for us."

Andrew added: "It's amazing to be able to sign for a club like Bradford Bulls and for us both to join at the same time is even better.

"We know there's a lot of hard work ahead but we want to become Super League players and are ready to do what is needed."

Bulls and Great Britain ace Sam Burgess is someone both youngsters look up to.

Andrew explained: "My dad used to coach him at Hunslet Parkside. We were only under-11s at the time and used to be water boys for the under-16s when Sam played.

"Seeing how successful he's been, despite being so young, is a real inspiration."

Michael, meanwhile, is looking forward to working under the watchful eye of McNamara.

He said: "The first time we met him he came to our house to talk to us. It was a shock to see him sat on the sofa in our house!

"We'd been at Leeds two years and didn't see Tony Smith once but Steve McNamara came to speak to us regularly and that helped us decide to sign."

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