Keith Lulia believes he can continue to show his best form for the Bulls after securing a ticket back to Australia last month.

The Cook Islands international has penned a two-year deal to join up with West Tigers for 2014.

Since he announced this was to be his swan-song season, Lulia has returned to his sparkling best, scoring four tries in the last two games.

He said: “Having my future sorted out has definitely let me just concentrate on my footy.

“We’ve only got a few games left to the season now but hopefully I carry on this form into the play-offs and then the World Cup.

“I’ve got a bit more ball and managed to get over the line a few times so it’s all been going good for me recently.”

Becoming a father for the first time last month when his wife Kelly gave birth to a boy, Koa, has been a source of added inspiration for Lulia.

“Koa’s been my good luck charm as well,” said the 26-year-old.

“He’s come to the last two games and I’ve scored in both of them.

“It’s bad luck though that this form has started to come so close to the end of the season.

“I was hoping to come good throughout the season but it just hasn’t happened. I didn’t get the chance to play in the finals last year and I want to play in the play-offs before I go back to Australia and leave this club on a high.”

Lulia is also looking forward to linking up with an old friend next year in former Bulls coach Mick Potter, who has also signed Wigan’s former Man of Steel winner Pat Richards for 2014.

“I’ve known Mick from way back,” said Lulia. “He’s from the same town as me in Wollongong in New South Wales.

“He’s been really good to me over the years and he’s the reason why I came over here.

“I just love playing under Mick Potter and I can’t wait to play under him again.

“To give me the opportunity to go back home with my family and my new-born baby is a great opportunity for me as well and I can’t wait to play in the NRL again.

“Pat has been at Wests before and he’s been killing it over here in recent years, and it’ll be good to play with that sort of calibre of player.”

Lulia is now hoping the Bulls can get back on track with a win at Castleford tomorrow after a heart-breaking defeat to Catalan last time out which severely dented the club’s hopes of a top-eight finish.

Lulia added: “We thought we had it in the bag last week. We were leading 18-4 at half-time and for them to come back in the second half we felt really unlucky.

“We’re all really disappointed but the boys are holding their heads up so if we win our last three games then we still might get in there.

“We’ve definitely not given up hope and we’re ready for the Cas game because we did really well for most of the Catalan game.

“It’s a small ground and a tight pitch but I don’t mind that. The fans are so close to you and it creates a good atmosphere, which I like.”