Queensbury Rugby League Club are cashing in on a small financial windfall that will help them continue to develop the club.

A further girls team has been created thanks to a successful funding application to CNet, a network who offer support for local community and voluntary projects.

Queensbury currently have 16 different age groups in total, ranging from under-eights to under-18s, with three girls’ teams.

Rachel Rhodes, funding manager for the club, says the grant is one of a number of different ways that they attract money.

“The funding was the biggest influx of cash the club has ever had but we also hold raffles, auctions and dinner-dances to try to raise money.

“It has got harder this year to get prizes from local companies in the tough economic climate but we did raise £409 recently with a fund-raising event at Tesco.”

Rhodes says that the club, run entirely on a voluntary basis, is vital in providing children with a useful activity within the local area.

“We do a lot of work in the local schools, getting the word out there that there is a rugby team in the area.

“There’s also football and swimming in Queensbury but, other than that, there’s not a lot for the children to do, so I think we play an important role in the community.”

The presence of three girls teams at the club is something of a rarity in the game at local level but Rhodes says the environment provided at Queensbury encourages players of both genders and all ages.

“Some of the girls turned up with their make-up and lipstick on at first, which was quite funny, but they get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Their parents know they’re bringing their children to a safe and enjoyable environment.

“All our staff are CRB checked. It’s an entirely voluntary staff but we’re a solid unit.”

The hard work at the club off the field was reflected on it recently when their under-14s boys got through to the final of the West Riding League Cup, where they lost to Siddal at Cougar Park in Keighley.

Anyone interested in sponsoring the club can telephone 07792 041344.