The Upper Airedale Junior Cricket League has reported a record number of fixtures for the fourth successive year.

League secretary Derek Hurren also told the annual meeting at a packed Cononley Cricket Club clubhouse that there was an 11 per cent increase in the number of players registered.

In all 371 matches were played, including 48 cup ties, and the league embraced 25 clubs and 67 teams.

However, fixtures secretary Terry Thompson explained that rain had led to the abandonment of 107 matches, of which 39 were replayed.

The worst hit were Upper Wharfedale, who suffered 21 times.

Sponsors CartaSport, Johnson & Johnson, Brook Taverner, the Keighley Cup Committee and have all renewed their support for the league.

All league officials were re-elected and Ingrow were welcomed as new members.

David Allen broke even in his first year as treasurer, thus retaining a healthy bank balance.

Also significantly, the league has provided assistance with the funding of training for 20 coaches and has made a donation to the West Yorkshire Women's & Girls' Cricket Association.