St Mary's School Sports Partnership has started a funky revolution.

With not a 1970s glitterball in sight, they have combined with Leeds Trinity and All Saints to launch Funky Feet - a physical activity project for Key Stage Two pupils.

The aim is to inspire the seven to 11-year-olds to get more involved in sport and physical activity and thereby increase the amount of time they spend being active over the course of a month.

And mums and dads and brothers and sisters aren't being left out either because families are also being encouraged to get involved.

Also if Funky Feet is your thing' then the organisers would like nothing more than for the increased physical activity to extend beyond the initial month.

The idea is that pupils perform simple aerobic and movement routines to funky dance music and thereby develop better balance, co-ordination and agility.

They will receive four one-hour sessions by three Funky Feet student instructors from Leeds Trinity and All Saints.

But in between each session, schools and pupils will be encouraged to undertake their own Funky Feet activity either at home or in school in order to increase the hours under their belts.

Pupils will learn at least three routines and then perform them - one at the beginning, one in the middle and one at the end of each session - and also participate in multi-skills activities.

And they will record their funky feats' in their Funky Feet school record book, with efforts at home also being noted.

Pupils who complete the three routines and fully participate in the multi-skills activities will receive a Funky Feet stamp.

The girl and boy with the most Funky Feet hours will be awarded a Funky Feet T-shirt.