Pupils are getting in trim with an early-morning Wake Up, Shake Up Club.

And the sessions at Shirley Manor Primary School at Wyke are not only benefiting the pupils - but also staff and the children's parents.

Learning mentor Debbie Turner said: "The initiative we have started involves ten minutes of exercise every day.

"This means that, over the course of the week, the children are getting almost an hour's extra physical education.

"The idea for the dancing came from PE co-ordinator Hannah Brown and has quickly caught on since it began eight days ago."

Debbie said: "What we are finding is that the dancing means that the children aren't as hyperactive when they get into lessons.

"It also has benefits as far as their behaviour is concerned later in the day as they are concentrating better.

"The staff also take part in the club and even the children's parents are getting involved.

"The whole idea is that the children get exercise as a contrast to the sedentary lives that some of them have."

If the weather is fine, the Wake Up, Shake Up Club takes place in the playground, but if it is wet the show' moves indoors.

Debbie said: "Numbers range between 50 to 60 pupils a day, and that has been pretty constant since it started.

"There are also nine or ten staff involved every day, with any parents in addition to that.

"It's been such a success that we plan to go on with the club indefinitely."