Gary Walker is confident Otley’s coaching future is in good hands.

Walker, who stepped down as director of rugby last Tuesday, said: “The set-up down there is fantastic, with Tom Rock and Mark Luffman with the first team, and Steve Godwill and Hywel Matthews with the Saracens.

“I have stepped down because I cannot commit to every Tuesday and Thursday night because of my investment work with the National Wealth Service.

“I have to travel down to London on Mondays, Wednes-days and Fridays but I will still be with Otley on Saturdays, and will help Tom out if he is on the field and Mark is unavailable because of his duties with Leeds.

“Also I will still be chairman of rugby and be on the general committee.”

Walker added: “People think I get paid in my work down at Otley but it is my way of putting something back into the community.”

Otley’s website states: “The Mark Luffman-Tom Rock team will have full responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the first team.

“Gary took over as director of rugby at a difficult time, with relegation from the Championship, a reduced rugby budget and a squad of only two players from the previous season.

“He has brought an exciting style of rugby to Cross Green from a young squad.

“We thank him for all his good work, spending often over 30 hours a week in what is an unpaid volunteer role.”