West Park Leeds 26, Aireborough 3

Aireborough went out of the Yorkshire Shield at the first hurdle yesyerday, losing to a side a division above who showed just a little more class in their back division than their visitors.

Aireborough were forced into three changes prior to the match with hooker Jason Warrington stepping up for the injured Nick Jackson and Jack Mackie making his debut in place of injured skipper Craig Stanley. Alex Davies was preferred in the back row.

There was also a change of venue as the fixture was originally planned for Nunroyd Park. Unfortunately, waterlogging meant the game was switched to The Sycamores.

From the off, it was clear that both sets of forwards were quite evenly matched.

However, in the back division West Park proved to have some strong midfield runners and after only five minutes they proved this with their centre bursting through a tackle to score and convert his own try.

Mackie's debut was, sadly, short lived as a back injury forced him from the field of play to be replaced by James Darkins and forcing a re-shuffle in the Aireborough midfield.

Aire had chances to to put points on the board but, unfortunately, Nick Holdsworth had left his kicking boots at home and, on too many occasions the last pass went amiss, or the ball was kicked aimlessly away when possession was required.

On the half-hour, West Park's midfield again found a gap in the Aire defence and a further converted try gave the home side a 14-0 half-time advantage.

The second half proved to be an almost mirror image of the first with neither side really able to take full control.

Once more it was sustained pressure from West Park that proved decisive with first their second row going over from short range and, finally, the try of the game as a loose pass was seized on by the Park winger to sprint the length of the pitch for a converted try.

Aire managed to get on the board in the last minute of the game thanks to a James Druce penalty although the visitors were, by that point, a man down due to injury.

West Park now go through to meet Old Brodleians in the second round.

Aireborough will regather to make the trip to Barnsley next weekend in Yorkshire Division Three.