Blaydon 15, Wharfedale 29

The Greens have dominated lengthy periods of play this season but failed to take scoring chances, though this trend was reversed at Blaydon.

The home side had 80 per cent of the match in possession and territory but could not make it count.

The Dalesmen, by contrast, were clinical in their finishing on almost every occasion when they had a clear sight of the Blaydon line.

Superbly-executed first-half converted tries by flanker Alastair Allen and centres Andy Baggett and Andy Hodgson - the last two owing much to scything breaks by full back Adam Whaites - earned a 21-8 half-time lead that might have looked comfortable on paper but felt in fact decidedly tenuous.

Blaydon had missed out twice when centre Ben Mercer touched down but via a foot in touch' and James Kyle sent a penalty wide before the Dalesmen's second try from Baggett under the posts.

Baggett added a penalty on 53 minutes to his conversion successes, which opened up a three-score advantage, but then had to lead his side in a dour defensive battle as Blaydon surged forward.

The Green wall was breached just once - full back Ralph Smith bursting through for a converted try.

In the final action of the match, Dan Hart chipped neatly over a defender and scored in the corner to rub salt in Blaydon wounds and clinch a four-try bonus point.

He joyously celebrated the five-point haul and the end of Wharfedale's four-match losing run.