Wharfedale rugby union winger James Hutchinson is sizing up a cross-code move to the Cougars.

The 22-year-old has been training with the club for the last month and will get his first shot at impressing in Sunday's friendly against a Keighley Amateur XIII.

Cougars boss Barry Eaton is handing Hutchinson a trial and hopes the rangy wideman will prove a hit.

"Ollie Pursglove brought James down to training and he's been with us since mid-November," he said.

"He's had a good four weeks with us and is doing really well.

"We're going to give him a chance to show what he can do here on Sunday and again in the cross-code match against Bradford & Bingley next Thursday.

"He looks very quick in training and has settled in really well.

"If he can adapt, there is still room in our squad for an outside back and there's an opportunity for James to grab that spot."

Eaton, who has made nine signings already for 2008, is still looking for a winger after Alex Brown turned down a new contract to join Rochdale Hornets.

Hutchinson has been a regular in recent seasons with National League Two mainstays Wharfedale but has struggled to command a spot this time around.

He is looking for a fresh start at Keighley and Eaton said: "James has had very limited rugby league experience at junior and school level but he's been fine with everything we've done so far and we'll see how he goes.

"It's down to him now and if he fares well over these two matches we'll have anther look at him against National League opponents in the friendlies next month.

"We're going to be patient and aren't expecting him to be a world beater but fingers crossed he'll do well."

Meanwhile, Eaton is hoping to persuade former Under 21s coach Paul Moses to return to the club following Chris Parker's departure.

"We know how successful he was with the Academy a few years ago and the number of players playing first team now is partially down to the work Paul did with the Under 18s and 21s back then," he said.

"We've had a chat and if he was available he'd be our choice but he's got a few commitments he has to work around.

"We'll have another chat in the new year though and see if we can get past those as ultimately Paul is the man we want."