THACKLEY AFC have released a strong statement following the West Riding County Women's Football League’s decision to relegate the club’s women’s side.

In June, Thackley were informed that the WRCWFL had proposed in its AGM pack a divisional restructure which would see the Ladies’ team relegated from the Premier Division to the First Division, despite not having finished in the relegation place for the 2023/2024 season.

A complaint was then made by Thackley AFC Ladies to the WRCWFL before the AGM on the basis that the WRCWFL had breached its own rules, namely Rule 22(B), which stated that only one team would be relegated from the Premier Division of the WRCWFL, being the team in 10th position.

Thackley AFC Ladies finished in 9th position and did not break any rules which would mean a relegation for the 2024/2025 season.

The Dennygirls filed an appeal against the decision and on the afternoon of 13 July 2024, the Club received a one-page written decision letter stating that the appeal had been dismissed.

There were no reasons confirmed in the letter as to why the Appeal was dismissed, and written reasons were immediately requested.

Thackley have been informed that these will be provided "by no later than 5 August 2024".

However, the Dennygirls believe that “the appeal was dismissed on the basis that the restructure was passed by a vote at the AGM but cannot confirm this.”

Thackley chairman, Ben Oliver further commented: “The fact of the matter is that Thackley AFC Ladies have been relegated and the club maintains it should have had the opportunity to raise this matter with the FA Women's Board.

“The matter is similar to the appeals which took place when divisional restructures took place following the Covid impacted season, in which the FA did hear appeals from clubs.

“That right has been denied, and the club has now been informed that it can appeal the decision no further, that the retrospective relegation stands and that the Club will compete in the WRCWFL First Division for 2024/2025.”

He added: “The conclusion is that the County FA and FA have endorsed and ratified the WRCWFL's decision that divisional status can be retrospectively decided by a League management committee, in the event that such decision is ratified by a majority vote at an AGM.

“That raises the question in theory, if the 19 Premier League clubs grew tired of Manchester City winning four Premier League titles in a row, and proposed a restructure to relegate them to the Championship, with such proposal being passed by those Clubs at an AGM, would (1) that be fair and (2) would that decision be approved by the FA?

“We think the answer to both those questions is "no" and we are astounded that the WRCWFL and FA think that this is fair on Thackley AFC and Thackley AFC Ladies.”

He added: “We have seen a fantastic response in pre-season from new players joining the club, but we appreciate that those players who wish to play as "high as possible" and we are sorry that this will now seemingly not be in the Premier Division as we had assumed it would be, having not finished in the relegation places.

“The Club remains open to dialogue with the FA over the decision and eagerly awaits its written reasons to consider the position further (including all legal routes). However, since the outset the position which the Club feared is that the League decision would be pushed through at an AGM and retrospectively ratified following that vote has so far shown to be correct.”

READ the full statement from Thackley HERE.