Bradford Mutual Sunday School LeagueSir James Roberts Cup preliminary round: Muff Field WR 142 (A Sjad 61, M Ur Rahman 6-24), Salem Ath 143-7; Heaton B 259-7 (H Khalid 52), Mayfield 147; Mandhata 109, BPR 110-5; Cambing 163 (Mukesh 5-38), Yorkshire LPS 53.

Revised first-round draw: Omars v Odsal Phoenix, Bowling Baptist v Bradford Gymkhana, Girlington v BPR, Gt Horton Meths v Heaton A, Gt Horton Church v Cambing, Hallfield v Salem Ath, Cross Roads & Daisy Hill Meths v Allerton, West Bowling v Heaton B. Games to be played on Sunday, May 22.