It may be early in the new year but the Mewies Solicitors Craven League has already reached crisis point with their umpires.

Four of last year's panel umpires have already stated they will not be available, and this will put a great strain on an already-stretched squad of officials.

All clubs in the league are asked to provide at least one umpire for the umpires' panel but some clubs are not fulfilling this obligation.

In an ideal world, retiring players who have enjoyed their time in the league would consider putting something back into the game by taking up umpiring but again this has not been happening.

The league is therefore appealing to readers of the T&A to join the Craven and District Umpires' Association.

Anyone interested in becoming an umpire should contact umpires' secretary Trevor Halstead on 01535-664713.

Meanwhile, the Craven & District Cricket Association, who look after the area's Joe Lumb Competition side, are urgently seeking a manager or coach for the 2008 season.

While the local junior scene is going from strength to strength, as shown by the number of teams taking part in the Upper Airedale Junior League, the flagship team of the area are struggling to fill their vacancy.

Should the position remain unfulfilled, it is possible that the team will have to be withdrawn from the competition.

Anyone interested should contact either secretary Joanne Ridehalgh on 01535-634005 or chairman Trevor Coe on 01535-667981.