The Solly Sports Central Yorkshire League have changed their stance on overseas players.

In 2007, only Premier Division clubs were allowed to sign overseas players but next year all first teams can sign one.

League chairman Chris Madden said: "Cup competitions was the main thrust of the rule change.

"It would be unfair to clubs that couldn't have an overseas players in these competitions playing against ones who can but it would be equally unfair to say to Premier clubs that they cannot play their overseas players in cup competitions."

Madden added: "The whole question of overseas players is in the balance because of the Home Office regulations that are due to be brought in in 2009, and we will have a presentation by Andrew Carter from the Home Office at our annual meeting at Ossett Cricket Club next Thursday."

However, the league have decided against separate divisions for first and second teams.

Madden said: "The management committee have an open view on this subject and accept that there is merit in separate first and second team competitions.

"However, our overall view has to take in the practicalities of member clubs. Our view was that we felt that the optimum number of clubs in the Premier Division should remain at 12, which would give a First Division of 15 teams each playing 28 games.

"Each team would have two blank Saturdays and therefore would have to arrange for eight games to be played on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

"The structure isn't ideal but it does give us flexibility."