There might not have been much cheer on the field for Pudsey St Lawrence yesterday following their defeat to Woodlands but there was plenty off it.

More than 60 former players met in the clubhouse after the game for a reunion to reminisce about old times over a pint or three.

Chairman Chris Gott, who helped to organise the event along with current skipper Andrew Doidge, said a good team spirit had always been part of the fabric at the Tofts Lane club and the night of nostalgia clearly illustrated that.

"We run four senior teams at Lawrence, two in the Bradford League and two in the Dales Council, so a lot of cricketers have played here," he said.

"Being the sort of club we are, players have an affinity with the place. This is just a case of renewing that. Once you've played at Lawrence, you never forget it."

Players from successful sides of the 1970s, 80s and 90s attended the event, including seven from the 1976 title-winning team.

There were also a few present who featured way before then - including Brian Sutherland, a Lawrence player during the 1940s and 50s.

Lawrence won the Bradford League twice on the trot in 1984-85 and went on to be crowned Yorkshire champions three years running in that decade. Names from that successful era who were present at the reunion included Mike Bailey, Colin Johnson and David Robertshaw.

Members of the last title-winning side, back in 1991, met up - including Rob Winter, Steve Wales and James Goldthorp, who all now play for North Leeds in the Aire-Wharfe League.

Gott was skipper of that team and recalls: "We were a new side that year and had players such as Simon Doull, who went on to play for New Zealand, and Ian Priestley.

"We weren't favourites by any means and winning the league came out of the blue. That was obviously a highlight but the feeling behind the reunion is more about remembering the camaraderie."

Those who came were not just from the local area. Steve Southwart drove up from Tonbridge, Salin Uddin came from Scunthorpe and Chris Reekie from Northallerton.

Lawrence, where England greats Leonard Hutton and Herbert Sutcliffe started their careers, still have links with a good number of recognised players.

These include Steve Rhodes, Phil Neale, Mark Greatbatch, David Leatherdale and Chris Taylor.

"Unfortunately, these players are tied to commitments with their counties but we received some nice e-mails from them," said Gott.

Co-organiser Doidge said after the event: "It was well worth doing and hopefully we will hold one again some time."