Julian Rhodes today warned Mark Lawn’s critics not to drive him away from Valley Parade.

Rhodes spoke out against the “constant battering” that he feels his joint-chairman is under.

Archie Christie’s departure last week has fuelled the anti-Lawn brigade at City and Rhodes believes it is time for those fans to realise the risk they are taking with their attacks on the co-owner.

He said: “I think people need to be careful. It’s one thing Archie deciding he’s had enough but it’s a whole new ball game if Mark leaves.

“As I’ve said countless times before, Mark is the only person in God knows how long who has put his money where his mouth is. It astounds me that people choose to have a go at him all the time.

“We talk about doing things for the good of the club. Name me one thing that Mark’s done that hasn’t been, in his belief, for that? He always wants what’s best for Bradford City. That’s surely what we all want."

  • Read the full exclusive story in today's Telegraph & Argus