Jamie Langley column

Tomorrow night’s game will be massive. I think it’s probably the biggest derby in Super League and we’re all really excited about it, especially as it’s the first game of the Easter period too.

There’ll be a great crowd, a good atmosphere and a good spectacle.

In years gone by it’s been a bit disappointing because, with the fixtures, we’ve ended up facing Leeds three or four times a season and it takes a bit of shine off things.

Now it’s better and the derby games are as important as they used to be.

Easter is always a tough period because we kick off with Leeds and then have to play again on Easter Monday.

It’s important for the rest of the season and it’s one of those times when you just have to be really smart what you do away from rugby in your own time.

You’ve got to be really professional throughout the season but especially at this time of year. Your body’s got to be in top shape.

The coaches will help us but it’s about what you’re doing at home as well. Are you recovering and doing all you can or are you off out all the time and not getting enough sleep?

Everything’s got to come into consideration, so hopefully we’ll be on top of that and be in the best possible shape to perform in these games.

We know we have to improve after the win against Harlequins last week but winning those kind of ‘grind-them-out’ games is what you need to do at this stage in the season. You can’t afford to let them slip.

We just need to play smart in those types of game because if you don’t, they can come back and bite you on the bum.

Hopefully wins like that will stand us in good stead as long as we continue to focus on the areas in our game we need to improve.