SIR - Animal Aid’s campaign is the latest attempt from the extreme end of the animal rights agenda to use inaccurate, biased and sensationalist information as justification to call for a ban on greyhound racing (‘Time For Dog Racing Days To End’, T&A letters, October 11).

Greyhound racing is an historic British pastime, which provides both employment and affordable entertainment for working class communities across Britain - communities with whom these campaign groups are extremely out of touch. Greyhound welfare is rightly at the heart of our sport, as anyone with genuine experience of racing will tell you.

Thanks to a data-led and innovative approach to welfare, standards have improved significantly in recent years. Indeed, as regulator for the sport, we publish annual, externally verified data each year which has demonstrated transformative changes and helps determine our continued commitments and new welfare initiatives. GBGB’s robust regulations and inspection processes afford far greater protections towards registered racing greyhounds than those in place for domestic pets.

Our sport has not stood still nor been complacent, yet campaign groups like Animal Aid continue to rely on outdated myths and unevidenced accusations to drive their agenda.

What I can agree with Animal Aid on, however, is what excellent pets retired greyhounds make. Amidst the ongoing homing crisis affecting all animals across the country I would encourage anyone who can to welcome a greyhound into their home.

Jeremy Cooper, Chairman, Greyhound Board of Great Britain