SIR - I read John Cole's latest contribution (T&A letters, September 19) comparing Geoff Boycott and Bill Lowry to new PM Starmer and Chancellor Reeves.

I saw Geoff's latter career as a Yorkshire and England opening batsmen and he personified patience and discretion as a means of accumulation and success. With all his flaws, is still admired by many. He must be horrified at being compared to Starmer and Reeves.

This has been the most inept, dishonest, hypocritical, petty and slimy start to a government that I can remember in over 50 years.

After everything that's already happened, blocking the free speech bill at unis, fuel allowance cut, early prison release and the free gift scandal, what does the Chancellor do? She removes pictures of art work from Number 11 Downing Street because they are of men or by men! And replaces them with female ones! Does the Labour leadership know what a woman is?

I've seen notices telling me to call out sexism. It's here! Sexism!

Alan Bates, Coach Road, Baildon