THE team championships have taken centre stage for the Bradford Golf Union this month, yet it is still individuals who catch the eye.

And Northcliffe were indebted to a sensational round from Kaspar Frey on their way to the Team Championship title at Shipley Golf Club.

They won by three strokes from Bingley St Ives B and Clayton, and while Rob Hillas (74) and Oliver Young (76) both played their part, it was Frey who stole the show.

He shot a stunning round of 67, four under par, ensuring his side finished on a cumulative winning total of 217.

Frey was one of only two individuals to shoot under par in the whole field, the other being James Firth, who was two under as his Baildon A side ended up joint fifth.

In a hard-fought championship, St Ives B and Clayton finished on 220 apiece, with Bradford B two strokes further back in fourth place.

South Bradford and Baildon A finished joint fifth with a cumulative total of 223.

The Champion Club tournament on Sunday at Calverley Golf Club was another close-run affair, with Brian Haigh and Trevor Parr unlucky not to come out on top.

Haigh (38) and Parr (37), of East Bierley and Clayton respectively, hit the two best individual scores in the stableford-formatted tournament, but their teams just missed out on the winners’ trophy.

That went to Bradford Moor, who won by two strokes from Haigh’s East Bierley.

Consistency was key to their cumulative winning total of 128, with Ben Barker (34), Paul Taylor (32), Mark Robinson (31) and Andrew Light (31) making up their winning score.

Hosts Calverley came third with 125, while Parr’s Clayton finished just behind in fourth on 124.

In between those two tournaments was the Bradford Charities competition, held at Bingley St Ives Golf Club.

That was won by Fulneck duo Terry Walker and John Robinson, who edged out Northcliffe pair Ian Livingstone and Andrew Cotson by one stroke.

Meanwhile, South Bradford’s Oliver Tasker is on the brink of a famous double.

Having won the Bradford Open for the first time this summer, he is now into the final of the Union’s Amateur Matchplay Championship after beating Zac Gartland 3&2 in their last-four encounter.

South Bradford ace Oliver Tasker (left) celebrates winning the Bradford Open in July.South Bradford ace Oliver Tasker (left) celebrates winning the Bradford Open in July. (Image: UGC.)

Tasker will face either Dale Brook or Iain Walker in the final, which must be played by Sunday, September 15.

And Brook played a key role in the Bradford’s tense 19-17 win over Teesside in their most recent Yorkshire Inter-District Union match, winning the third-last singles match to see his side over the line.

If Bradford win their final Inter-District match at Sheffield this Sunday, they could finish as high as fourth in the eight-team table, but they could come bottom with a defeat, as that will allow basement boys York to overtake them with a home win over Harrogate.