Coach Robbie Adamson is hoping that the fundraising events planned for tomorrow (Saturday, August 3) will enable Rock Solid Boxing Club to expand its boxing offer in west Bradford.

He said: "We’re planning 14 bouts, plus the typical fun day activities such as a bouncy castle, but there’s a serious purpose.

“We want to expand both what the club can do and make it possible for more people for whom having the cash is an issue to attend more often.

“Our club provides quality fitness and confidence-building opportunities for all."

Adamson has coached at the club for five years and with his wife, took over full responsibility last Christmas.

He said: “We’ve done two smaller fundraisers. I did 127 rounds of shadow boxing at traffic lights on Leeds Road over six hours and my fellow coach Mark O’Connell did 54 rounds of pad work outside the Broadway.

“So far, we’ve bought floor mats and junior boxing gloves and installed a female toilet.

“We’ve started on renovations for the gym with new boxing bags, but it needs painting and large mirrors fitting for technical skills observation.

“Cash is tight and to make it work I bought 10 pairs of junior gloves myself."

Lewis Parker, 15, has benefitted greatly from training at Rock Solid and is enthusiastic about the opportunities Adamson offers.

The teenager said: “Boxing was something that I always wanted to do.

“I was fed via a feeding tube for the first three years of my life and have naturally weak stomach muscles, so I thought doing combat sports wasn’t an option.

“But I started at Rock Solid last year and then I began coaching the junior class with a dozen or so younger children attending.

“Boxing is my life and my ambition is to turn professional.

“I’ve had 11 fights in 12 months and I’ve got a title fight to look forward to in October.”

Rock Solid currently runs junior classes for children aged five to 14 and had adult classes on three evenings weekly.

Adamson also aims to recruit from a wider area, saying: “We’ve been approached by a family in Denholme asking for transport from the village to the gym as there’s a lack of activities there.

“If we could buy a van to make transport easier, we could get more youngsters living an active life and take our boxers to more competitions.”

“We also welcome children with ADHD and autism, adapting sessions for their needs.

“We’re keen to assist those who cannot afford to pay full subs with a little pot of money for anyone committed to training at our gym but struggling to pay.

“I'd rather them be at the gym than sitting at home skint.

“We’d gladly take money out the pot to help them until they’re back on their feet because this gym can turn lives round, maybe even save some.”

Rock Solid Boxing Gym is based at 159 Richmond Road, BD7 1DL.

Classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with junior sessions taking place at 6pm and adult ones at 7pm.

Tomorrow’s fundraiser will take place at The New Tyke entertainment venue on Thornton Road, BD13 3DG.

Tickets, which can be bought on the door, cost £25 for those aged 17 and over, children can attend for £10, and under-fives go free.

A buffet is included in that ticket price, while doors open at 11:30am, with the first bout scheduled for midday.