CITY fans will see a lot more of Stefan Rupp at games next season.

The club owner insists his more hands-on interest will include attending Valley Parade more often.

Rupp watched all the Bantams action on a TV stream in Germany last season but was hardly seen attending in person. That is something he has vowed to change.

“Last season I wasn’t here often enough for other reasons,” said Rupp. “But that is something that will definitely change.

“If there is criticism, I’m happy to take it and to learn from it.

READ MORE: Recap questions and answers from Bradford City fans forum

READ MORE: City owner Rupp wants to buy back Valley Parade

“It’s different than if you see it on iFollow, no matter how big the screen is.

“The most important lesson I have learned is that you have to take the criticism of the people very seriously.

“I want success. Nobody owns a football club because it’s nice to have.

“My team and I are very ambitious. You want to win promotion and everybody is giving their all.

“I demand that from myself and from my team. You question yourself about what you could do better in terms of supporting the club and giving more from my side.”

Rupp was at the stadium last night for a fans forum where City’s top brass were quizzed by a meeting of 400 supporters.

But he stressed that his bigger presence in West Yorkshire in the future will not mean meddling in other jobs and a return to the micro-management of Edin Rahic’s doomed reign.

“I would keep it on a high-management level. You should not try to do something you don’t have a clue about.

“Owning the club for the last eight years, I have a much better understanding about what’s going on and how it has to be managed than I had at the start.

“With each successful company, you need the right people in the right positions and I feel we definitely have that.

“The club itself means a lot to me. When we took over, we faced quite difficult times and I could have easily turned around and gone away.

“But I don’t want to give it up. I wanted to be successful again one day and that is still my motivation.

“That’s how it is in life. Sometimes it’s two steps back and one forward but you go on.

“I want to see this club being successful again and being promoted and see it being where we were. That is my intention.”

Rupp answers 'club for sale' claims

Rupp confirmed that he is not trying to sell the club. There have been claims that his asking price has put off would-be buyers.

“If you look actively for an investor, it won’t be a good one that comes along,” he added.

“If someone comes along with much deeper pockets than I have and can provide much more to the club than I ever could, then of course I would consider a sale.

“But other than that, definitely not. Why should I sell to somebody who would do worse? That would not help anybody.

“You always have conversations but there are a lot of tyre kickers around.

“It’s not my priority because I’m not here to sell the club. I want to be a good custodian and good keeper of the keys as long as I’m there.

“I think I have a responsibility for the club and the supporters and also for the city. I don’t want to give that up.”

Rupp believes the budget for Graham Alexander will ensure City can be right in the mix as they try to get out of the fourth tier at the sixth attempt.

“We are not there to end up somewhere mediocre in mid-table. We are still very ambitious and our main goal for this season is getting promoted.

“When you look at the competition and the budgets we are talking about, we have to be in the mix.

“I have to provide the funds to do this and hopefully this will get us promoted.

“I’m willing to invest and give the management team the means to select a squad that can do that.”