GRAHAM Alexander says City’s play-off hopes have not been dealt a “fatal” blow.

The Bantams boss insists the squad still believe they can gate-crash the top seven despite the Forest Green setback.

That left them seven points adrift going into tomorrow’s vital Valley Parade showdown with leaders Mansfield.

But the reaction to Tuesday’s loss has encouraged Alexander’s faith in his team to fight back.

He said: “There was a massive disappointment.

“But if there wasn’t belief that we were competing for something this season, I think it would almost be a shrug of the shoulders.

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“I’ve never sensed that with this group since we came in and the team were 16th or 17th. I’ve never felt the players as a team or individuals have given up on anything.

“We certainly haven’t as a staff. We still have a lot to fight for.”

City’s six-match unbeaten run had taken them within striking range of the promotion race before that home loss to a side fighting to avoid relegation.

“It’s not fatal,” added Alexander. “It was disappointing and an opportunity for what we hoped would be three points, but we made it extremely difficult for ourselves.

“But it is only fatal if you imagine it to be and allow it to be in your own mind.

“There are no teams that are putting in massive long runs of form over 10 to 15 games to suggest that we can’t be one of those competing for the play-offs come the end of the season.

“But there’s a lot of work in front of us. Even if we win our next three or four on the bounce, we’re still going to be in a tight situation where the pressure is on to win the one after.

“I hope that pressure is there for us right to the last game. If it’s not, I don’t think we’ll be in the picture we want to be in.

Impossible to set play-off points target

“We’ve got to become used to this pressure we are putting on ourselves to be successful, take the waves of emotion and keep ploughing on through to the end of the season.”

Wimbledon currently occupy the final play-off spot on 57 points – but have played two games more than the Bantams.

Alexander has not got a target points figure in mind if they are to sneak into seventh before the season is up.

“It’s impossible. I don’t think it’s relevant for us even if there was a line, we’ve just got to focus on the next game.

“If we start thinking about getting three points here, maybe one there then you’re not focusing on what you should be – what your action is, your job for the team and responsibility for your team-mates.

“If we start trying to predict that, then we’re torturing ourselves in a sense. You can’t tell the future and the only thing we need to focus on is how we can get three points against Mansfield Town.”

Nigel Clough’s Stags have been beaten in two of their last three games but remain top of League Two.

No doubts about City's strength of character

City are getting to the position where they cannot afford to lose any more ground.

Alexander sees every game now as a test of his team’s character – and has no doubts on that score.

He said: “There are times when it doesn’t go your way and you expect and take criticism. You can be unlucky sometimes when it goes against you.

“Do you turn into a victim or do you actually try and deal with it and crack on?

“This comes from the mind and mentality that you encourage and garner within a squad.

“You certainly need individuals who represent those best qualities at all times. I feel we have those players, 100 per cent, without a shadow of a doubt.

“I will always support those players and work with them and I have never, ever had to admonish the players or talk about their effort in training or games. It’s not through that.

“You just have to help and guide them to be the best versions of themselves.”