While most people have been surprised by the start to management Dave Cameron has had it is nothing more than the man who appointed him expected.

Chief executive Bob Black-burn feels his confidence in the 32-year-old has been vindicated.

Blackburn has seen enough already for him to start preparations for Avenue's pre-season tour to Spain.

The club's owner had dangled the carrot of a trip abroad for some training in the sun and a few friendly fixtures earlier in the season.

The proviso was that the tour would only go ahead if Avenue won promotion from the UniBond Division One North.

While Blackburn is taking nothing for granted, he has seen Cameron inject some urgency into the push for promotion to the UniBond Premier.

His first four games brought four wins and not a single goal against. That led Blackburn to act.

"I have confirmed our first pre-season game and it will be at Marbella FC in early June," said the chief executive, speaking from his Spanish villa before today's Good Friday fixture.

"At first I did say that we would only do it if we went up but the players have tried so hard and Dave has worked so well that we will make the trip. Another thing is that you have to make decisions early enough to get organised.

"The plan is to bring the squad out here around early June for one or two weeks. I hope this is just the start and there will be more games to follow. We certainly have the contacts in this part of the world now.

"A pal of a property developer who I do a lot of deals with through my company has just bought Marbella FC and us coming over here to play against them has made one or two sit up and take notice.

"Instead of us going around knocking on doors and introducing ourselves as Bradford Park Avenue we are having people chasing us now. People from local clubs are coming forward and we are putting irons in the fire."

Blackburn is delighted that Cameron has made such an outstanding start to his reign after plucking him from a player-coaching role in the Welsh Premier with Rhyl.

"I did stick my neck out for him. I said to the rest of the directors that he was the man for me.

"It was irrelevant that he was only young and relatively inexperienced, he has the get up and go. I knew within five minutes of meeting the man that he had the strength of character and enthusiasm needed to take this club forward."